Watch the video from Robina 7 Day Doctors and Acupuncture:

Interviews with Dr Paul Condoleon and Dr Wu, QML nurse Melissa, our patient Shirley and nurse Robyn.

Our clinic offers same day appointments, short waiting times, plenty of free parking.  We have Lady GPs and Male GPs and all of them do acupuncture.

Patients often present with scans showing extensive degenerative changes.  They assume that the degeneration is the cause of their pain. However it is pointed out that the opposite joint is exactly the same age and same condition, yet has no pain. So where Acupuncture comes to the fore is in stimulating the regenerative powers of the body in precisely the area of the pain.

General principles of Acupuncture

So the general principal of Acupuncture is to examine the area until the region of pain is found.  Then needle that area to stimulate healing.  When healing takes place then naturally pain will recede but the important point is that the underlying condition is mended.  The degeneration cannot be reversed, but functionality can be restored.

Basically acupuncture is used to restore normal function to whichever nerves are involved in causing the symptoms.  This will vary from person to person.  The commonest cause of sciatica is due to muscle spasm in the buttocks causing pressure on the sciatic nerve.  However, most people are under the mistaken belief that it is disc problems causing the pain.  This is because scans will show bones and discs, but not soft tissue. In 30% of people, the sciatic nerve goes through the muscle.  Thus if the muscle is in spasm it causes pressure on the sciatic nerve.

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