Robina 7 Day Doctors and Acupuncture recommends this video
What conditions is acupuncture useful in treating, watch the video. Basically acupuncture not only reduces pain but addresses the underlying cause of the problem, not masking the pain with medications.
Our centre is the largest on the Gold Coast with 8 qualified GP acupuncturist specialists that can manage all the standard GP things and complement that with acupuncture treatment where indicated. Many patients have had adverse reactions to medications and have found acupunctur to be a side effect free alternative to treating their pain.
The brain works on a feedback loop. An example is driving your car. The speedometer gives feedback and we adjust the throttle accordingly. When narcotics flood the brain, it stops producing its own endorphins. This means that when the narcotics wear off the brain is has no endorphins of its own. Hence the pain is magnified enormously.
Acupuncture works in the opposite way. It stimulates endorphin release in the brain naturally. This means there is no withdrawal when the endorphins subside. The brain is producing its own endorphins. It thus increases analgesia without the addictive properties of narcotics.
The brain works on a feedback loop. An example is driving your car. The speedometer gives feedback and we adjust the throttle accordingly. When narcotics flood the brain, it stops producing its own endorphins. This means that when the narcotics wear off the brain is has no endorphins of its own. Hence the pain is magnified enormously.
Acupuncture works in the opposite way. It stimulates endorphin release in the brain naturally. This means there is no withdrawal when the endorphins subside. The brain is producing its own endorphins. It thus increases analgesia without the addictive properties of narcotics.