By March 26, 2021Acupuncture

About COVID-19 vaccination

People who have a COVID-19 vaccination have a much lower chance of getting sick from the disease called COVID-19.

The COVID-19 vaccination is free. You choose whether to have the vaccination or not.

To be vaccinated you will get a needle in your arm. You need to have the vaccination two times on different days. There are different brands of vaccine. You need to have the same brand of vaccine both times. The person giving you your vaccination will tell you when you need to have the second vaccination.

Medical experts have studied COVID-19 vaccines to make sure they are safe. Most side effects are mild and don’t last for long. As with any vaccine or medicine, there may be rare and/or unknown side effects.

You can tell your doctor if you have any side effects like a sore arm, headache, fever or any other side effect you are worried about.

Before you get vaccinated, tell the person giving you the vaccination if you:

  • Have any allergies, particularly anaphylaxis (a severe allergic reaction) to a previous dose of a COVID-19 vaccine or an ingredient, or to other vaccines or medications. An allergic reaction may include things like an itchy rash, your tongue getting bigger, your breathing getting faster, you wheeze or your heart beating faster.
  • If you are immunocompromised. This means that you have a weakened immune system that may make it harder for you to fight infections and other diseases. Sometimes a disease like diabetes or cancer can cause this.
  • Do you have any serious allergies, particularly anaphylaxis, to anything?

  • Have you had an allergic reaction after being vaccinated before?

  • Do you have a mast cell disorder?

  • Do you have a bleeding disorder?

  • Do you take any medicine to thin your blood (an anticoagulant therapy)?

  • Do you have a weakened immune system (immunocompromised)?

  • Are you pregnant or do you think you might be pregnant?

  • Are you breastfeeding?

  • Have you been sick with a cough, sore throat, fever or are feeling sick in another way?

  • Have received any other vaccination in the last 14 days?

Vaccination providers record all vaccinations on the Australian
Immunisation Register, as required by Australian law. You can view your
vaccination record online through your:

  • Medicare account
  • MyGov account
  • MyHealthRecord account.