This is a short video on the science of acupunctur and helps to show how it works.  See for yourself, proof positive.

Robina 7 Day Doctors and Acupuncture recommends this video


In this short video the presenter tries to find some science that explains how acupuncture works. Using the latest in technology – an FMRI scanner, it is now possible to look at the human brain whilst actually having acupuncture done and how the function of the brain changes.

The results are quite clear and revealing, the areas of the brain used to process pain are suppressed or slowed down. Blood flow to areas of the brain associated with pain are reduced. Sensation is still there but intensity of pain is greatly diminished.

The brain works on a feedback loop. An example is driving your car.  The speedometer gives feedback and we adjust the throttle accordingly.  When narcotics flood the brain, it stops producing its own endorphins. This means that when the narcotics wear off the brain is has no endorphins of its own. Hence the pain is magnified enormously.

The brain works on a feedback loop. An example is driving your car.  The speedometer gives feedback and we adjust the throttle accordingly.  When narcotics flood the brain, it stops producing its own endorphins. This means that when the narcotics wear off the brain is has no endorphins of its own. Hence the pain is magnified enormously.

Acupuncture works in the opposite way. It stimulates endorphin release in the brain naturally.  This means there is no withdrawal when the endorphins subside. The brain is producing its own endorphins. It thus increases analgesia without the addictive properties of narcotics.


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