Looking younger for longer is a popular obsession but what’s the science about younger looking skin, asks plastic surgeon Dr Rozina Ali.
Robina 7 Day Doctors and Acupuncture recommends this video by Dr Ali on the science of skin care:
The cosmetics industry is becoming more closely allied with science and pharmaceuticals – but I’ll be honest. As a woman I don’t expect many things I buy across the counter to actually live up to their promises! It’s mostly about the packaging, the smell, the luxurious brand you want to be linked with.
Of course we none of us last forever, but if we can be as healthy as possible, our skin is a marker of general health – the state of our lungs, heart cardiovascular system, bowels, etc.
As for my own profession, of course, it’s true, plastic surgery can alter appearance, often radically. And yes, I can do things that nature didn’t intend — but only to the extent that the patient can accept scars, down-time, and other factors.
But as a surgeon, I’m not at all about camouflage and cover-up, I’m about health and well-being. If it happens to make you look better or younger – that’s a bonus.
I always advise that ageing, maturing, living is a multi-dimensional process. It takes time.
It would be naïve to think that undoing its ravages can be about a quick-fix or one-off approach.
That’s why I promote discipline and personal responsibility, and for people doing things for themselves – eating less, eating better, exercising moderately, sleeping heartily, reducing stress, getting a sensible work-life balance, doing things which are personally fulfilling.
That is health and a life well-lived. Looking good but being unhealthy or unhappy isn’t.
Any hopes of slowing or reversing processes involved with ageing depends on understanding them and that requires the rigorous research and testing of medical science.
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