About 70 – 80% of us are resilient to stress. We can find ways to survive, cope, and even thrive no matter what life throws at us. We can be called a “dandelion.” We can grow in a crack in the cement. We are considered normal.
But not everyone is a dandelion. Although being a dandelion is considered normal, it’s just not the only way to be.
Robina 7 Day Doctors and Acupuncture recommend this video on serotonin and depression:
It turns out about 20 – 30% of us are extra sensitive to our social environment. That means how others treat you, whether you are encouraged, supported, and nurtured makes a critical difference in whether you thrive or become a problem. But (and here’s the big deal) a large percentage of the super sensitive group achieve the extraordinary when they have a positive advocate or a nurturing environment.
You see unlike dandelions, Orchids need special treatment. Someone with super sensitive genes are known as “orchids.” They can thrive beautifully in a hothouse with just the right amount of water, nutrients, heat and light. But orchids don’t grow out of cracks in driveways. As children they wither around mean, judgmental, competitive people.
Orchids frequently suffer from a high number of challenging conditions – ADHD, depression and dyslexia are common. Nevertheless, they are called orchids for a reason. Famous ADHD orchids include Galileo, Walt Disney, Dwight Eisenhower, Stephen Hawking, and, of course, Robin Williams. Abraham Lincoln, Michelangelo, Mark Twain, Winston Churchill and Buzz Aldrin are just a few extraordinary orchids who battled depression. And Bill Gates, Edison, Henry Ford, Ted Turner, Muhammad Ali, DaVinci, Richard Branson, John Chambers, and John Lennon have transcended their dyslexia.
What is the mechanism of depression in the brains of “Orchids” ?
In the brain serotonin is carried by the serotonin transporter and there are 2 basic genetic types – a long and short variation. Simply put the short serotonin transporter gene is the weak link in supplying the brain with the serotonin required for normal function. Hence the SSRI anti-depressants target this transporter to help boost serotonin in times of stress. Serotonin is the neurotransmitter that keeps us calm and focused.
The important message is that “orchids” can flourish in the right environment, meaning that they can produce normal serotonin levels if they keep their lifestyle stressors under control. Therein lies the secret to a happy life.
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