Robina 7 Day Doctors and Acupuncture recommends this video on Hand , Foot and Mouth disease:

Hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) is a common
infection that affects young children and causes a
specific blistering rash of the hands, feet and mouth.
It is usually caused by the Coxsackie A virus.

Hand, foot, and mouth disease is caused by viruses that belong to the Enterovirus genus (group), which includes polioviruses, coxsackieviruses, echoviruses, and other enteroviruses.

  • Coxsackievirus A16 is typically the most common cause of hand, foot, and mouth disease , but other coxsackieviruses can also cause the illness.

It is very common in children and occurs frequently
among groups of children in child-care centres, kindergartens
and schools.

What are the symptoms?

There is a prodromal (early stage) illness which is present
before the rash appears and includes:
• malaise (i.e. feeling ‘out of sorts’)
• fever, usually of sudden onset
• sore throat
• poor appetite
• headache
• irritability, especially in small children
• abdominal pain (in some).
The rash appears after 1 or 2 days, and consists of the
• small red spots which progress to blisters and then
become tender ulcers
• blisters  in the gums of the mouth and
around the mouth
• red lumps and blisters on the fi ngers and palms of the
hand and on the toes and soles of the feet
• blisters may also appear on the limbs, the buttocks
and also on the genitals.
•The illness usually lasts for 7 to 10 days.
• The diagnosis is made on the clinical appearance—
special tests are usually unnecessary.
• The spots are similar to chickenpox but are not itchy.
• The ulcers in the mouth are painful.

Hand Foot and Mouth Disease

Hand Foot and Mouth Disease – spots

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